Monday, April 14, 2014


I feel like such a slacker lately!  I have great intentions of cross training when it comes to taking time off from running for my shin splints, but a terrible track record of actually doing it.

Friday, I did get on my bike and rode about 11 miles.  The Husband was a trooper and ran just shy of 13 miles!  I was totally jealous of him.  It's so funny how much I used to hate running and was so intimidated by running longer distances.  Yet this time I wanted so badly to be running with him.  I hope that means I'm mentally ready for the half marathon??

Less than 3 weeks!!  I am so excited to get my first half marathon under my belt.  Is it weird that I have already started to think about what I'm going to do after the half as opposed to focusing on finishing that first?  I am such a planner and now that this plan is almost to an end I feel like I need to start working on the next thing.

The good news is my shin splints have stopped hurting in regular activities so I think I am going to attempt to run at some point this week.  My last run was a week ago tomorrow.  Since they only started to hurt just last Tuesday, I'm hoping one week off is enough.  If I try to run and they hurt right away, I will be stopping and adding another week of rest.  Let's be honest, I probably won't run tomorrow.  It's supposed to be under 40 degrees here again with snow overnight!  I'm mentally done with the treadmill and mentally done with the "cold" weather. 

Also, I got this beaut to try out!
The beautiful Garmin Forerunner 220.  Conveniently in my favorite color (purple, hard to tell in the picture)

It's kind of torture getting new and exciting running accessories and then not being able to try them out.  I also got an iPod shuffle so I can eliminate a bulky armband but still listen to music. 

Now for the bad news.  The Husband went on a run today and was still having the foot pain.  I googled to find out where runners most often get stress fractures.  I sent him a picture of a foot with it showing where that occurs and he said that's exactly where his foot hurts.  Womp womp.  Time off for The Husband.  So we are looking into water jogging!  Fun fun?

The Husband also got a nifty Garmin (the men's version of mine) and when he did run today we tried out the new Live Tracking feature.  It's pretty sweet!  I'm not sure what he had to do to make this work, but it sent me an email with a link to a map that showed where he was.  It also gave me his average pace, distance, time, and elevation gained.  It refreshed every minute or two minutes to show where he was at that point, so it's not exactly a constant moving dot on the map like I expected.  Next time I'm going to try to open the link on my phone to see if it's practical to use when I'm not able to sit at a computer to track The Husband running.  Seems like a nice safety feature when running alone!

Anybody else a overplaner?

What races are you training for?

Any advice for water jogging?

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