About Me

Welcome to Huslin' Hoosier!

Hi, I'm Rachel, and this is my first blog ever!  I'm married to my best friend and am lucky that I can also call him my best running friend as well.  The Husband and I got married September 24th, 2011 and live in north east Indiana with our three fish (although that number constantly changes).

I'm starting this blog because I want to track my running and really be able to see progress as I look back on what I have done.  I have been running on and off for several years now.  I really used to *hate* running. 

I played sports all throughout high school and even a year in college.  Running was always the punishment.  After I quite playing on an organized team, I realized no one was making me work out!  And it was wonderful.  Or so I thought. 

I'm honestly not sure how much weight I gained in college (maybe 20 to 30 pounds??) because I can't remember what I weighed going in to college.  I was a shrimp in high school and could eat whatever I wanted because I was practicing basically 4 hours a day with school athletics plus club sport practices after the school sports were done.  All I know is my third year of college I was creeping up higher than I wanted. 

At this point, there was a new boy in my life that I was really trying to attract, AKA The Husband.  Basically I stalked him and when he would go to the campus gym to work out, I would as well.  But an occassional 30 minutes on the eliptical or random weight training doesn't really add up. 

My fourth year of college I came accross the Couch to 5k program and started doing that.  I think I made it to 2.5 miles for each run and ended up stopping running at that point.  I honestly can't remember why.  That was the first time that The Husband and I ran together before he was even The Boyfriend :)  Future BRF and didn't even know it!

In 2012, my church decided that they were going to use our local race, Fort 4 Fitness, as a way to raise money for Congo.  They called it, Race for Peace, Congo.  Fort 4 Fitness has a 4 mile, 10k, and half marathon race distance.  Originally I was going to do the 4 mile but then after one of the church meetings I felt inspired to run the 10k.  The Husband was going to do it with me.  We started training and made our way up to 4 miles at which point The Husband struggled with IT Band Syndrome and had to stop training.  Onward I pushed and I completed my first race ever, the 10k, in 1:10:52.  My goal was an 1 hour and 10 minutes so I made it!  I kept running for a little while after the race but by that point it was starting to get cold out.  I bought some outdoor running gear but never used it that winter.

I would run maybe once or twice a month on a treadmill that winter.  And that's being generous.  But the good news is, the next time I started running I haven't stopped since!  The Husband and I signed up for a sprint triathlon in August of 2013 and we started training June 1, 2013.  While that race was a lot of fun for both of us, it was still a struggle. 

The beginning of September we did the first annual Muddy Trail Run which was an obstacle 5k course.  That was also harder than expected as we have no trail running experience.

We took a 2 or 3 week break after that race and went on vacation but once we got back in October, we were ready to run again.  Being excited about returning to running was a new feeling to me!  We trained hard and ran the Galloping Gobbler 4 miler on Thanksgiving, 2013, which also happened to be my birthday, and both had awesome races! 

We did one more 4 mile race (seems to be a popular distance in our area?  Not sure why?) called the Gingerbread Pursuit in early December.  After this, The Husband and I had a discussion as to what we were going to aim for next?  We decided to dream big (for us) and picked a half marathon, the Indy Mini Marathon on May 3rd, 2014.

This blog will be a lot about running, a lot about food (I'm not the healthiest person, but I'm learning!), and some about me and my crazy hobbies. 

I love a good book, spending long hours binging watching tv shows with The Husband while I cross stitch, cooking/baking, traveling to far off lands, and scuba diving when the traveling takes me to the warm waters.

I hope you enjoy my random thoughts and writings!

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